The Hem That Stops the Bleeding

Forget your years of running, never heeding.
For His pursuit is amorous, not hating.
Reach out and touch the hem that stops the bleeding.

Let fall the chains of sin and death’s foul breeding!
His amnesty alone is liberating.
Forget your years of running, never heeding.

Behold, the ancient Gardener is weeding;
The wheat and chaff discerning, separating.
Reach out and touch the hem that stops the bleeding.

There is a place to find the love you’re needing;
A well whose draughts are always saturating.
Forget your years of running, never heeding.

Come see the dough the Baker now is kneading
With yeast that sets our hearts regenerating.
Reach out and touch the hem that stops the bleeding.

He did not scorn the crowd and all its bleating,
Or grudge the hypocrites their masquerading,
Nor you the years of running, never heeding.
So hold fast to the hem that stops the bleeding.