Posts in Theology
A Catechism of Melanchthon's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper

Among these charges is that Melanchthon denied the Real Presence and became Reformed on the Supper. Others state that he became a “receptionist,” limiting the real presence to the moment of reception. It is important to note, however, that there are scholars who stand outside of this apparent consensus. In his biographical sketch of Melanchthon, Dr. Scott Keith notes that it is very difficult to prove these charges from Melanchthon’s dogmatic/theological writings. A rousing defense of Philip comes from a lecture given at Concordia Seminary Fort Wayne back in 1988 by the late Lowell C. Green. Elsewhere, Green has noted that Article VII of the Formula of Concord really is a compromise between Melanchthon’s and Luther’s views. I myself would like to read Melanchthon as charitably as possible.

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