Romans 6:1

O God! Once more I stand upon the edge;
I see sin crouching at my very door.
I open wide and welcome in my doom.
O God! Retain your mercy and your pledge,
I give my demons leave to welcome more;
Like Bethlehem, I have not left you room.

O God! Are you not God of creation?
Did you invent all things where there was naught?
Can you find room in hearts where there is none?
O God! Are you God of resurrection?
Who entered into upper rooms, though locked?
Can you enter closed hearts, make them your throne?

O God! Hear this poor sinner’s petition:
Let me add another thorn to your crown.
Let me drive another nail through your hand.
O God! Put Yourself in my position:
Feel the weight of all my sins on your brow.
Pay the price, in my stead, and be damned!

O God! If my own hands had thrust the nail,
If my own hands had twisted that sharp crown,
If my own tongue had pronounced your sentence,
O God! Were I again tempted to fail,
I might recall when I had nailed you down,
Then I might live up to my repentance.

PoemsCaleb Klingerman